Some Useful commands for Linux Beginner

Run a automation script Parallely two devices

adb -s 0123456789ABCDEF shell am instrument -e class com.omt.quikformz.test.LoginTest -w com.omt.quikformz.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

adb -s c1607d8552c397f shell am instrument -e class com.omt.quikformz.test.LoginTest -w com.omt.quikformz.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner

Copy File from Local to Remote System

scp <file name> username@ipaddress:/home/<username>/

ex: scp abcd.txt dharma@

It will save the text file from local system to remote system HOME Directory

Create DB DUMB on Remote Machine

mysqldump -u root -p<password> --databases dbname > /home/dharma/dbname.sql

Create Tar file

tar -czvf ROOT.war.tar.gz ROOT.war

Extract tar file 

tar -xzvf ROOT.war.tar.gz

Run Jmeter from Terminal(If you installed Jmeter)

./jmeter -n -t TestPlanResult.jmx -l jmeteroutput.csv

Cronjob format

* */8 * * * /home/colo/apache-jmeter-2.12/bin/
this will run every 8 hours

10 18 * * * /home/colo/apache-jmeter-2.12/bin/
this will run 6.10PM everyday

00 10 * * 1-5 /home/colo/apache-jmeter-2.12/bin/
this will run MON to FRI morning 10 AM

To Run Browser from Cronjob

00 23 * * 1-6 export DISPLAY=:0 && /home/dharma/ > /home/dharma/logs.txt|mail -s "Subject"

Recover Deleted Files

cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files


Dharma is a QA for more than 3 years of experience in Android and iOS application testing and developement.Like to explore all domain and new technologies.

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